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Recent seismic activity reported on Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 01:28 in  

Recent seismic activity has been reported on the Reykjanes Peninsula, indicating that the pace of land uplift is similar to previous geological events. The Icelandic Meteorological Office has updated its hazard assessment, noting that magma accumulation has resumed. Authorities anticipate a potential outpouring of magma and even volcanic eruptions at the Sundhnjúkur crater row, although it is too early to predict if or when such an event might occur.

Despite the cessation of previous eruptions, volcanic activity continues along the lava field’s edges. Over the coming days, further advances of the lava are expected, raising the risk of collapses from the existing lava structures. As a result, the volcanic sites are deemed hazardous to visitors.

The hazard assessment remains unchanged from September 6. Detailed information regarding risk zones is available in the accompanying image. The latest updated hazard assessment is valid until September 10, 2024.

(via ruv.is)