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Bergmann warns of chaotic winter session in Iceland’s Alþingi amidst budget tensions

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 23:18 in  

Eiríkur Bergmann, a political science professor, spoke out about the government’s budget proposal for the upcoming year, stating that while no major news accompanied the budget announcement, the winter session of parliament is expected to be challenging. He highlighted that the proposal is somewhat predictable but noted that the government intends to run a deficit moving forward.

Bergmann expressed concerns over the political climate, anticipating significant conflicts. “I believe it will be absolutely chaotic in politics this winter. Everyone is gearing up for major battles. There is immense intolerance toward this government,” he said.

Moreover, he indicated that tensions are rising both within the government and among political parties. “There is uncertainty regarding leadership in at least two political parties, which suggests we are heading into a lively election season,” he added.

The political landscape appears strained, with feelings of unrest towards the current administration likely to escalate as discussions around the budget continue. The challenges posed by a deficit, combined with internal party conflicts, could lead to a tumultuous winter session in Iceland’s Alþingi.

(via ruv.is)