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Danish government unintentionally endorses Sharia law with Islamic divorce contracts from Copenhagen mosques

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 19:53 in  

The Danish government has inadvertently endorsed Sharia law by legalizing eight Islamic divorce contracts from two Danish mosques between 2018 and 2022, according to Jesper Petersen, an Islamic studies researcher at the University of Copenhagen. Documents obtained show that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs granted an Apostille stamp—certifying that the documents are from a Danish authority—to divorce contracts issued by the Islamic Community and Imam Ali Mosque.

Although Islamic divorces are not valid in Denmark, this Apostille made them legally recognized. This means individuals could get divorced under Iranian law while residing in Denmark. Frederik Vad, a spokesperson for the Social Democrats on immigration and integration, criticized this practice, arguing that Denmark should maintain a single legal divorce system. He expressed concern that endorsing parallel legal structures could lead to broader implications.

The Imam Ali Mosque is a Shia mosque located in Copenhagen’s northwest district. The Foreign Ministry acknowledged, in a statement, that it mistakenly legalized these divorce contracts, assuring that the practice ceased in 2022 upon realizing only the Family Court can issue valid divorce certificates in Denmark.

Petersen explained that many women sought the Foreign Ministry’s endorsement to facilitate travel to their home countries, like Iran, where their Danish divorces would not be recognized. Vad noted that while some women might face difficulties if the government ceases recognition of these practices, alternative support systems should be established. He emphasized the importance of educating Muslim women about their rights and hinted at potential changes to legislation surrounding Islamic marriages, suggesting that religious marriages should not occur without civil recognition first.

(via dr.dk)