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Calls for action intensify in Denmark and EU over digital harassment of children

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 18:13 in  

Calls for action have intensified in Denmark and the EU, as concerns grow over the need for tighter regulations on tech giants. Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen, General Secretary of Save the Children, criticized the alarming findings of a recent study indicating that seven out of ten children and young people reported experiencing digital harassment or unpleasant online encounters in the past year. “It is deeply serious and unfortunate that the number is so high, demanding immediate action,” she stated.

The study revealed that digital harassment has become a common experience for Danish youth, an unacceptable norm that children should not have to endure. A stronger regulatory framework is advocated, as some organizations call for measures to ensure safer online environments for young users.

In recent months, a proposal was made suggesting that individuals must verify they are over 15 years old using Denmark’s MitID or a similar solution when accessing media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or TikTok. However, achieving such measures may be challenging, as many European countries lack comparable systems.

Suggestions have also surfaced recommending bans on addictive designs like “infinite scrolling” and autoplay features. There is considerable debate on how to define the limits for such regulations effectively.

Christel Schaldemose, a Social Democrat and a vice president of the European Parliament, has been actively pushing for regulation. She highlighted the prevalence of illegal content that children encounter online and has advocated for a 15-year age limit for accessing social media platforms, reinforcing the need to improve age verification methods.

Digitalization Minister Caroline Stage has acknowledged the unacceptable level of online harassment and emphasized the need for tech companies to take greater responsibility in swiftly removing illegal content and ensuring that algorithms do not promote harmful material.

(via dr.dk)