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Sanna á Løgmansbø calls for reform in education sector amid confusion in the Faroe Islands

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 17:48 in  
Faroe Islands

In a statement on the organization’s website, Sanna á Løgmansbø argues that there is significant confusion in the education sector. She describes the current situation as a “scandal,” highlighting that qualified educational assistants are compelled to pursue further studies without proper pathways for continuing education.

The existing training program from the Health School does not provide access to bachelor’s degree studies at the University of the Faroe Islands, a fact that was known at the onset of the program in 2020.

Additionally, there is a fragmentation in the educational system, where some programs fall under the Ministry of Education while others are managed by local municipalities that have established their own merit training programs due to a shortage of qualified personnel.

The primary issue is the vast disparity in the content of these training programs and their applicability for further educational advancement. For this reason, Sanna á Løgmansbø believes that the Minister of Children and Education should address the matter to create greater clarity across the educational landscape.

A discussion with Sanna á Løgmansbø can be heard featuring insights into this pressing issue surrounding education and workforce qualifications in the region.

(via kvf.fo)