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Surprise reshuffle in Swedish government as Ulf Kristersson announces new ministers

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 16:43 in  

Tobias Billström’s announcement of his departure from politics came as a surprise last week. During the opening session of the Swedish Parliament, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson announced that Billström would be succeeded by former Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard. She will be replaced by Johan Forssell, former Minister for International Development and Trade, whose position will go to Benjamin Dousa, previously the CEO of the conservative think tank Timbro and, since February, CEO of Företagarna.

Additionally, Jessica Rosencrantz, a member of Kristersson’s Moderates party, will assume the role of new EU Minister, taking over from Jessika Roswall, who has been appointed as an EU Commissioner. Johan Pehrson, leader of the Liberals and former Minister for Labor and Integration, will now serve as Minister for Education, while former Education Minister Mats Persson will take over Pehrson’s previous role.

In a statement, Foreign Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard expressed her eagerness to collaborate with Sweden’s northern European neighbors within NATO. She emphasized the importance of Sweden providing full support to Ukraine. “Support for Ukraine will remain our foremost foreign policy goal in the coming years,” said Malmer Stenergard, adding, “We must maintain pressure with sanctions against Russia while working towards the goal of Ukrainian accession to the EU. Ukraine’s cause is our cause.”

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson stated that his choice of new ministers is not only intended for the current parliamentary term. “I want to build a team that can help lead the country at least until 2030 and engage with voters beyond that,” he said, signaling the beginning of this new team.

(via svt.se)