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Mayor Mortensen expresses confusion over Johansen’s switch from Social Democrats to Progressive Party in Tórshavn

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 14:23 in  
Faroe Islands

Heðin Mortensen, the mayor of Tórshavn Municipality, has expressed confusion regarding Kári Johansen’s recent decision to leave the Social Democrats and run for the Progressive Party in the upcoming municipal elections. Johansen cited feeling constrained within the Social Democrats as a primary reason for this switch.

“We have had a good collaboration, but we need to define our affiliations as we approach the municipal elections,” Mortensen said during a morning broadcast on Breddan.

Despite his shift to the Progressive Party, Johansen remains part of the ruling majority in the municipal council.

Ruth Vang, the chairwoman of the Progressive Party, welcomed Johansen’s move, noting that political ideology is not as significant in municipal politics. She highlighted a more pragmatic approach to governance.

However, there are concerns regarding potential implications of this transition for the Progressive Party. Ingi Samuelsen, editor of Vikuskifti, remarked that the change could pose challenges down the line for the party.

The ongoing political dynamics in Tórshavn reflect the complexities of local governance as different parties jockey for position ahead of the election season.

(via kvf.fo)