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Police officer receives warning for wearing Rhodesian Army insignia during official duties in Oulu

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 13:40 in  

A police officer from Oulu has received a written warning for publicly wearing a shirt featuring the insignia of the former Rhodesian Army Special Forces during his official duties. The officer had donned the shirt at multiple events, including an anti-racism demonstration in June, which took place following stabbing incidents at the Valkea shopping center.

The police department released a statement addressing the matter, noting that they had received feedback regarding the officer’s attire. The shirt has attracted attention and condemnation from participants at various events, as it is associated with a history of racial discrimination and division.

The senior constable involved has been questioned as part of an internal disciplinary process and denies being aware that the shirt could evoke racist or far-right associations. However, the Oulu police department asserts that the officer should have recognized that wearing the insignia of a state military known for its segregationist policies was inappropriate and unacceptable, especially for someone in an official capacity.

The situation has been criticized further due to the officer’s choice to wear the shirt at an anti-racism demonstration, which drew significant public backlash. According to the police, this incident has potentially fostered distrust towards law enforcement, particularly among ethnic minority communities. The officer is believed to have violated behavioral standards set out in police administration law, undermining public confidence in the police’s ability to perform their duties appropriately. Consequently, a written warning was issued to the officer.

(via yle.fi)