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Bears sighted in populated areas across South Savo in Finland

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 12:35 in  

In recent weeks, the South Savo Wildlife Management Association has received multiple reports of bears entering populated areas, with sightings in places like Juvalla, Sulkava, and Heinävesi. According to Heikki Joskitt, chairman of the wildlife management center, a bear in Sulkava has visited local waste collection points, tampered with private trash bins, and even damaged bales in a feed storage area.

Wildlife manager Petri Vartainen noted that such occurrences are not unusual, as several bear sightings in residential areas happen annually in South Savo. Fortunately, the recent bear activity has not posed a threat to humans, as the bears have been observed on residential properties at night without any reported encounters with people. However, Vartainen warns that the risk of damage increases if bears start approaching inhabited areas during the day and do not retreat from humans.

Currently, there are approximately 200 adult bears living in South Savo, a number large enough to raise concerns about their proximity to human settlements. Food waste is a significant attraction for bears, often leading them to residential areas in search of easy meals. If a bear finds food in a particular spot, it is likely to return. Therefore, it is advised not to dispose of food waste in general waste bins but to compost it instead.

Vartainen also acknowledged that discussions about bear sightings could have lowered the threshold for reporting these incidents. Although bears may not be venturing into populated areas more than before, it remains essential to report sightings to local wildlife contact persons, as bears can learn that being chased away is not harmful and may return. Additionally, he mentioned that management hunting has been on hold, limiting the ability to direct efforts toward bears encroaching on human habitats.

(via yle.fi)