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Warning issued over sulfur smell near Skálm River in Vík í Mýrdal, Iceland

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 12:28 in  

A warning has been issued about the presence of a sulfur smell near the Skálm River, east of Vík í Mýrdal, following a decrease in electrical conductivity and water levels since the afternoon of September 9. The Icelandic Meteorological Office advises the public to exercise caution near the river’s source and along its banks, where gas emissions may be present.

Notably, there have been reports of the sulfur smell from the area. However, no signs of glacial outburst activity, known as jökulhlaup, have been detected on the seismometers near Mýrdalsjökull, indicating that the situation seems to be stabilizing. The Meteorological Office continues to monitor the region closely.

(via ruv.is)