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Citizen initiative proposes fur farming phase-out in Finland

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 08:05 in  

A citizen initiative titled “Fur Farming into History – A Just Transition to a Fur-Free Finland” was submitted to the Finnish Parliament yesterday, Monday. The proposal calls for the development of a national plan to phase out fur production in Finland with a reasonable transition period. It also suggests creating a support system for farmers who decide to cease their operations.

The initiative was published last September and garnered 102,561 verified statements of support, exceeding the 50,000 signatures required for parliamentary consideration. The date for the discussion in Parliament will be confirmed later.

According to a population study conducted by the Finnish Fur Breeders Association (Fifur) in August, support for domestic fur farming has declined. Last year, 46% of respondents were in favor of the industry, while this year only 39% expressed a positive attitude toward the sector.

The citizen initiative system has been in place for over ten years. The first initiative also aimed at ending fur farming but did not succeed. A total of 77 citizen initiatives have progressed to parliamentary consideration, with six currently under review. Seven initiatives have been accepted in either their original or modified form.

(via yle.fi)