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Budget cuts jeopardize Denmark’s military readiness for NATO and EU missions

Tuesday 10th 2024 on 07:08 in  

Budget cuts in the Danish Armed Forces are now directly undermining Denmark’s ability to manage crises within its own waters or participate in international missions. Originally, the frigate Absalon was to be the military’s first ship ready to deploy on short notice for NATO or EU missions starting from the new year. However, that plan has now changed due to stringent budget requirements affecting the entire military, including the Navy.

To meet a savings target of 32 million kroner for the remainder of the year, a crucial naval exercise in England has been canceled. This exercise was meant to certify the Absalon for operations, serving as an intensive six-week stress test to ensure it was fully prepared for any situation. Marine specialist Mads Sørensen emphasized the importance of this exercise for maintaining readiness for international missions.

The cancellation adds to a series of previous cutbacks in the military, affecting the Air Force and Army, which also had to cancel significant military exercises. The exercise is known as Fleet Operational Sea Training (FOST), where the Royal Navy subjects ships and crews to various attacks and crises that typically occur during warfare or international missions.

As a result, Absalon will not be ready for deployment as planned, and Denmark risks slipping into a non-participatory role in NATO and EU missions. Two other frigates available for duty are currently out of service due to technical issues. Concerns are growing that these cancellations may lead personnel to leave the Navy, as many look forward to training and certification as part of their professional development.

The Danish Defense Command acknowledged the uncertainty about when Absalon might be able to participate in future training, noting that participation in FOST isn’t a prerequisite for deployment, although it has traditionally been part of their training protocol.

(via dr.dk)