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Parents’ attitudes towards education significantly impact children’s academic success in Finland

Monday 9th 2024 on 20:01 in  

Have you ever felt pressure when you brought home good grades? Did you secretly get a library card because your parents thought reading was a waste of time? Were you told that you just didn’t have a knack for math or languages?

Research indicates that parents’ educational backgrounds and attitudes towards schooling significantly influence young people’s approach to education, especially in the later years of compulsory schooling. For instance, a 2017 School Health Survey found that if students’ parents did not value education, only about one in three of those students felt positively about school themselves.

Yle previously investigated some reasons why relationships between parents and children might become strained. One commonly mentioned factor was the devaluation of academic success.

We are developing a story about how negative or dismissive attitudes towards education from parents have affected individuals and even their own children today. We invite you to share your experiences with us. You can submit your response through this form or contact the journalist directly at [email protected].

Your responses will be used only for this story, and your contact information will not be shared with third parties.

What memories do you have of your parents’ or relatives’ attitudes towards your schooling during your primary or secondary education? If the attitude was negative, how did it manifest, or what comments were made to you?

What is your parents’ educational background, and do you believe it influenced your attitude towards school? How did your parents’ attitudes impact you? Did this reflect in your choices or influence your later life, including how you raise your own children?

Would you be willing to be interviewed further about this topic? Yes / No. Please include your email address, phone number, and city of residence so we can verify the information and reach out if needed. Your information will remain confidential.

(via yle.fi)