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Pregnant women at Slagelse Hospital and North Zealand Hospital offered app to promote healthier pregnancies

Monday 9th 2024 on 19:03 in  

At Slagelse Hospital and North Zealand Hospital, 500 pregnant women with a BMI of 25 or higher are now being offered an app aimed at promoting healthier pregnancies. Nearly 40 percent of pregnant women nationwide have a BMI of at least 25, a growing concern highlighted by experts.

However, Christina Anne Vinter, a clinical lecturer at the University of Southern Denmark and a senior physician at Odense University Hospital, notes that an app alone cannot address this issue. She emphasizes that while the initiative is promising, there is no “quick fix” for managing weight.

Currently, assistance is offered during the 12-week nuchal translucency scan. Experts argue that earlier intervention could yield better results. Per Ovesen, a professor and senior physician at Aarhus University Hospital’s maternity department, insists that research shows starting earlier leads to more positive outcomes.

Mette Kabell, a midwife and project manager for the digital program, agrees about the advantages of earlier intervention but stresses the importance of providing support during pregnancy as well. She believes that an increased focus on preventive measures can help manage weight gain among expectant mothers.

Ovesen acknowledges that the project shines light on a significant issue as the proportion of overweight pregnant women continues to rise, posing risks for complications like cesarean sections and gestational diabetes. He warns that this can perpetuate a cycle of overweight mothers giving birth to overweight children.

Nevertheless, Vinter encourages viewing the app as a helpful resource rather than a scare tactic. The project focuses on promoting a healthy lifestyle with guidance on diet and physical activity, redefining weight as just one objective measure among many.

(via dr.dk)