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Minister announces Helgi Magnús Gunnarsson to remain Deputy Attorney General despite prior misconduct in Iceland

Monday 9th 2024 on 18:08 in  

The Minister of Justice has announced that Helgi Magnús Gunnarsson, the Deputy Attorney General, will not be temporarily relieved of his duties. This decision follows a recommendation from the State Prosecutor, Sigríður Friðjónsdóttir, made in late July, suggesting a temporary suspension due to Helgi’s remarks on public platforms about asylum seekers and refugees, which were deemed “inappropriate and inconsistent with his role.”

The minister’s position emphasizes that Helgi’s comments not only crossed the line of appropriateness for his official capacity but also risked undermining the credibility of the State Prosecutor’s Office and the prosecutorial authority in general. The statement noted that Helgi’s remarks targeted immigrants, specific organizations, and an individual serving as a lawyer.

The minister also pointed out that Helgi’s behavior had been repeated and similar to prior conduct for which he received a warning two years ago. Helgi argued that his expression was made under special circumstances, referring to threats of violence he faced from an individual against him and his family, which had also resulted in that person receiving a sentence.

Taking into account the principles of moderation and the threats Helgi and his family experienced, the minister’s conclusion is that he will not grant a relief from duty. The minister met with both Sigríður and Helgi earlier today to communicate this decision.

(via ruv.is)