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New foreign minister faces challenges ahead of high-level meeting in Ankara

Monday 9th 2024 on 18:03 in  

The new foreign minister will face a fast-paced start, as Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer and the appointed foreign minister will travel to Ankara on September 18 for a high-level meeting regarding the “Security Compact.” This agreement focuses on security cooperation between Sweden and Turkey, particularly in combating terrorism.

The departure of Tobias Billström as foreign minister has stirred discussions around cooperation with the prime minister. For the new foreign minister, the challenge will lie in unifying the foreign department while maintaining a collaborative relationship with the prime minister and the government offices. A potential obstacle is the new office for national security being established directly under the prime minister, led by National Security Advisor Henrik Landerholm, who has a close rapport with the prime minister.

Among the tasks of the national security council will be the analysis and coordination of Sweden’s security policy—functions that have traditionally been managed by the Foreign Ministry. This could lead to tensions between the Foreign Ministry and the government offices.

The implications of these developments are significant for Swedish foreign policy, especially amid ongoing security collaboration efforts with Turkey. The upcoming meetings and the new minister’s ability to navigate these relationships will be closely watched as Sweden aims to strengthen its international security posture while addressing domestic political dynamics.

(via svt.se)