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Reykjavik to seek new accommodations for Konukot women’s shelter amid safety concerns

Monday 9th 2024 on 14:38 in  

The city of Reykjavik is set to announce a search for new accommodations for Konukot, a shelter for homeless women, in the coming days. Rannveig Einarsdóttir, the director of the Welfare Department of Reykjavik, emphasizes the urgency of the matter.

Konukot has been operating out of a small, old stone building for nearly two decades. The facility poses risks due to its steep stairs, which can be hazardous for both staff and clients. Currently, it has only two restrooms and one shower.

Kristín I. Pálsdóttir, a spokesperson and chair of the non-profit organization Rótin, stated that staff are in ongoing discussions with the city to improve the shelter’s facilities. However, progress has been slow, and no solutions have yet materialized.

Rannveig supports the concerns raised by Konukot’s staff, indicating that the need for an upgrade is critical. The existing accommodation is inadequate for the women seeking assistance as well as for the employees working there. The Welfare Department prioritizes this issue, aiming to offer better conditions for those in need.

(via ruv.is)