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Court sentences two men to prison for attempted homicide in Turku shooting incident

Monday 9th 2024 on 14:35 in  

The Varsinais-Suomi District Court has sentenced two individuals involved in a shooting incident in Turku in May to prison terms. The altercation occurred inside a vehicle where both men were passengers. The defendant seated in the back fired two shots at the man in the front passenger seat, while a third shot misfired due to a jammed weapon. Fortunately, none of the shots struck another man sitting in the front.

The man in the front passenger seat is reported to have fired at least four times at the individual in the back. Two of these shots caused serious injuries to the first defendant.

The court noted that there was no definitive evidence regarding which defendant fired first. Both accused claimed that their gunfire was an act of self-defense. The District Court found both men guilty of attempted homicide, illegal use of a firearm, and endangering public safety.

The first defendant was sentenced to five years in prison, while the second received a seven-year sentence. The prosecution sought a harsher penalty based on the second defendant’s prior criminal history. The defendant in the front seat has a record of multiple violent crimes and firearm offenses in recent years.

While both defendants denied the charges of attempted homicide, they admitted to other offenses. The verdict is not yet final and is subject to appeal.

(via yle.fi)