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Finnish expert criticizes mandatory disrobing during school health check-ups in Japan

Monday 9th 2024 on 13:20 in  

There is no reason to force children and young people to remove their clothing during school health check-ups, says Marke Hietanen-Peltola, a chief physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Recently, Japan has seen discussions regarding school health check-ups where children have been compelled to remove their shirts and bras. Many girls, in particular, have found this practice uncomfortable, prompting parents to call for an end to the mandatory disrobing.

In Finland, children undergo health check-ups at each grade level in primary school. Comprehensive examinations occur in the first, fifth, and eighth grades, including visits from both a doctor and the child’s parent. However, attendance at these health check-ups is not compulsory, and no child must comply with requests they are uncomfortable with, according to Hietanen-Peltola. “A child always has the right to express their opinions, and we can explain why certain actions are necessary or why it might be important to remove a shirt. But ultimately, the child has the right to refuse.”

Certain procedures during health check-ups do require removing clothing. For instance, listening to a heartbeat necessitates direct contact with the chest, and assessing posture requires a full view of the spine. In weighing scenarios, heavier clothing may be removed to ensure accurate readings. However, in most cases, bras do not need to be taken off. “If the bra is a standard type and not a full upper body covering, we can listen to the heart and check posture while the bra remains on,” Hietanen-Peltola explained, drawing from her experience as a school doctor.

The primary goal of school health check-ups is to prevent health issues, not to treat or investigate suspected illnesses. “Our fundamental assumption is that children are physically healthy. Therefore, we have no reason to pressure them into removing their clothing.”

(via yle.fi)