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Experts discuss healthcare inefficiencies in Finland during Yle Ykkösaamu program

Monday 9th 2024 on 11:15 in  

Expensive medications may be a secondary issue when the majority of Finland’s healthcare budget is directed towards an inefficient system. Experts discussed this topic on the Yle Ykkösaamu program, focusing on the overall functionality of Finland’s healthcare system. Treatments for rare diseases can cost millions of euros per patient, primarily due to pricing strategies that are influenced by trade policies, making it challenging for Finland to impact change.

Healthcare professor Kristiina Patja from the University of Helsinki and Lasse Lehtonen, diagnostic director at HUS and professor of health law at the University of Helsinki, shared their insights during the discussion. Central to the debate is the question of how much a single patient’s treatment should cost when budgets are constrained. Lehtonen emphasized that this is a complicated issue. Efforts in Europe and the United States have been made to expedite access to medications for patients with rare diseases, but a viable pricing mechanism has yet to be established, allowing the pharmaceutical industry considerable leeway in setting high prices.

Reforming patent laws could encourage competition and potentially address these pricing issues, but such changes are complex on a global trade political scale, where Finland’s influence may be limited.

Patja pointed out that costly treatments are just one part of a larger system in need of refinement. She mentioned that significant inefficiencies exist, such as the time doctors spend on prescription renewals. Lehtonen also noted the rigid nature of the Finnish system, where healthcare access is tightly controlled to prevent unnecessary doctor visits, unlike in other European countries where patients can directly consult physicians. Both experts argue for a system that prioritizes patient care over bureaucratic processes, with a focus on enhancing health outcomes for individuals. The discussion about the future of healthcare in Finland will continue on September 9, 2024, on Yle Ykkösaamu.

(via yle.fi)