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Cuts to sports facility funding in Finland could halt municipal projects

Monday 9th 2024 on 11:01 in  

Cuts to funding for sports facilities may halt the construction and renovation of recreational areas in small and medium-sized municipalities, warns Aleksi Nyström, the sports director of Lahti and chairman of the Finnish Professionals in Sports Association. The government plans to reduce support for facility construction by roughly one-third, decreasing funding from €30 million to €20 million.

Many local authorities rely on this funding to develop freely accessible community sports parks. Municipalities can apply for small grants, such as those for local sports facilities, but larger subsidies are essential for significant projects like swimming pool renovations. A €1 million state grant may serve as a crucial incentive for the implementation of projects worth €15 to €20 million. Nyström noted that many municipalities stipulate in their decision-making that projects will proceed if state funding is secured, with the governmental contribution sometimes covering up to 30–40% of smaller projects.

However, as available funding diminishes, Nyström anticipates that fewer municipalities will secure grants, particularly affecting small and medium-sized ones ensnared in delays due to insufficient state support. He expects larger ventures will continue to attract funding, effectively diminishing the resources available for smaller community projects.

Currently, Lahti is seeking smaller grants for renewing artificial turf at Kisapuisto and renovating the Radiomäki sports complex, while also contemplating plans for a new aquatic center or multipurpose arena in the coming years. If further cuts to sports facility funding occur, the entire funding system may face significant challenges, leading to uncertainty for projects planned for 2026–2027.

(via yle.fi)