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Police investigate Olli Wikberg for fraud and bribery in Helsinki

Monday 9th 2024 on 10:00 in  

The police in Helsinki are investigating Olli Wikberg for allegations of fraud, breach of official duty, and bribery related to his official duties between 2019 and 2023. The suspicions primarily involve the billing of travel expenses. Authorities believe these actions may have caused damage amounting to approximately €6,000 to the Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto).

In November 2023, Ruokavirasto submitted a request for an investigation into the alleged offenses. The preliminary investigation is now moving to the prosecution review within the Southern Finland prosecutor’s area.

The Food Market Authority is an independent agency appointed by the government based on a proposal from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, with terms lasting up to a maximum of five years at a time. Wikberg’s five-year term concluded at the end of August. Updates on the situation will follow.

(via yle.fi)