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Respiratory infections surge in Finland post-pandemic, warns infectious disease expert

Monday 9th 2024 on 09:10 in  

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, respiratory infections are making a significant comeback in Finland. Aino Nyqvist, an infectious disease physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), reported an increase in cases of various respiratory infections during a morning program on Yle.

These infections can be caused by nearly 200 different viruses and several bacteria. Currently, the circulating pathogens in Finland include the coronavirus, whooping cough bacteria, mycoplasma, adenoviruses, and rhinoviruses. “The symptoms of these diseases are quite similar, including sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, and often fever,” Nyqvist explained.

Finland is experiencing an epidemic year for whooping cough, with cases reported to be higher than in previous years. There is also a noticeable increase in mycoplasma infections compared to prior years. Pregnant women are advised to receive a booster vaccination for whooping cough, as the disease poses a serious risk to children under one year old.

While there has been a slight uptick in coronavirus cases, Nyqvist classified the overall situation regarding COVID-19 as stable. She recommends that individuals in at-risk groups receive an autumn booster shot for COVID-19. Those in at-risk categories include the severely immunocompromised and the elderly.

(via yle.fi)