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Liperin secondary school introduces personal trainer to boost student fitness levels in Finland

Monday 9th 2024 on 08:10 in  

The bell rings, and a couple of hundred middle school students head outside. While some linger near the walls, others dash towards the climbing structure in the yard. A group gathers around Mira Kostamo, the newly hired personal trainer at Liperin secondary school, who initiates outdoor bowling activities. Kostamo’s role is to encourage teenagers to be active during school hours and ideally during their free time as well. Liperin has reintroduced a traditional method: mandatory outdoor breaks at the beginning of the afternoon.

In the early September sunshine, students appreciate the outdoor time. “The mandatory outdoor break is great. It keeps my mind from getting stuck during the school day,” says seventh-grader Ilja Karttunen.

Concerns about teenagers’ declining fitness levels have led to the hiring of personal trainers in various schools across Finland, including Kontiolahti, Kitee, Iisalmi, and Vieremä. Nearly 40% of eighth-graders have a fitness level so low it poses a threat to their health and well-being, as indicated by physical fitness tests.

Kostamo’s mission is not to design gym programs for students who already exercise frequently. Instead, she aims to reach those who may find physical activity unappealing or challenging. “I can be a friend during physical education classes or help students discover a sport they enjoy,” she explains.

The goal is to identify personal motivations for exercising, whether it’s improving focus, overcoming fatigue, or preparing for voluntary military service. Personal trainers typically engage with students for about ten sessions over six months, offering all activities and trials at no cost. In Liperin, students have expressed desires for communal activities like soccer or baseball during breaks.

(via yle.fi)