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Denmark begins political negotiations for first marine national parks in Øresund and Little Belt

Monday 9th 2024 on 06:48 in  

After years of waiting and criticism, political negotiations for Denmark’s first marine national parks are finally underway. The parks, which will be established in the Øresund and Little Belt regions, aim to “enhance nature and biodiversity in marine environments.” This initiative was agreed upon in the 2022 budget.

Environmental organizations and local municipalities have been urging swift progress on planning the parks’ locations and the restrictions and opportunities they will include. Jørn Chemnitz, chair of the nature, environment, and climate committee in Kolding Municipality, expressed frustration over the delays: “We have voiced our impatience multiple times, so we are very pleased that action is being taken.”

At Gl. Ålbæk campsite near Kolding, camp manager Martin Pedersen has witnessed declines in marine conditions. “After heavy rain, the water’s clarity suffers for days,” he noted, emphasizing his hope that the politicians will take meaningful action rather than simply discussing plans at their first meeting on September 20.

Negotiations have been delayed due to discussions about establishing trawling-free zones. Environmental Minister Magnus Heunicke stated that it would be pointless to declare a marine national park if bottom trawlers are operating in the area. The first meeting concerning these zones occurred before the summer, with the next scheduled for autumn.

Funding of 10 million Danish kroner annually until 2025 has been allocated for the Øresund and Little Belt parks. Therese Nissen, political advisor from Denmark’s Nature Conservation Association, is eager for the minister’s proposals and hopes for high ambitions regarding marine protection. Some funds have already been spent on mapping the seabed in Little Belt and studying the establishment of stone reefs near Taarbæk Reef in North Zealand.

(via dr.dk)