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Reykjavik struggles to provide shelter for homeless women at Konukot crisis center

Sunday 8th 2024 on 21:03 in  

Reykjavik is facing challenges in providing adequate shelter for homeless women at Konukot, a crisis center located in a decrepit stone building on Eskihlíð. The facility, operational for nearly twenty years, is recognized as unsuitable for the women it serves. On average, 10 to 12 women reside there, with limited sleeping arrangements—only twelve beds are available, and overflow is accommodated on couches or mats on the floor.

The condition of the building raises safety concerns, as its three narrow, steep staircases pose risks to both residents and staff. Privacy is scarce, with just two toilets and only one shower on the ground floor, which requires passing through a sleeping area to access. On duty, only two staff members are present, making it difficult to ensure the safety and oversight of all women.

Solvieg Klara Ragnarsdóttir, the executive director of Rótin, which operates Konukot under a service agreement with the city, emphasizes the urgent need for a new facility. Although proposals for improvements were submitted to the city in 2021, progress has been slow, and no suitable alternatives have been found despite exploring several buildings.

Heiða Björg Hilmisdóttir, chair of the welfare committee and a city council member, acknowledges the urgency in finding new accommodation. She expresses frustration at the prolonged search and insists the current living conditions are unacceptable.

Efforts are being mobilized to locate a more appropriate venue, but with the building’s protection status complicating renovation efforts, the city remains in search of a viable option for Konukot’s relocation.

(via ruv.is)