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Icelandic Bible Society launches first complete audiobook version of the Bible in Icelandic

Sunday 8th 2024 on 20:43 in  

The Bible has been released as an audiobook, totaling over 90 hours in length. A member of the Icelandic Bible Society expressed joy over the launch, noting the high demand for this publication in audiobook format.

It took five years to produce the complete audiobook version, which is now available on all major streaming platforms. This marks the first time the entire Bible has been published in audiobook form in Icelandic. The project commenced in 2019 and was executed by the Icelandic Bible Society, with Grétar Halldór Gunnarsson serving on its board.

Grétar commented on the shift in reading habits, stating, “We noticed that people in general are reading less around the world, and those who do are changing their reading practices. It seemed essential for our time to make the Bible accessible through modern technology, just like when the first printing press was created.”

The audiobook features a range of narrators, including well-known actors like Kristján Franklín Magnús and Guðjón Davíð Karlsson. Arnar Jónsson, another narrator, noted that the project has been well-received from the start, emphasizing its significance and the convenience it offers. He mentioned that listening to the Bible might appeal to many who do not actively engage with the text in its written form.

The audiobook is available on all major streaming services and can also be accessed through the website biblian.is.

(via ruv.is)