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Einar Þorsteinsson calls for review of police regulations in Reykjavík due to rise in knife incidents

Sunday 8th 2024 on 20:23 in  

The increase in knife-related incidents has prompted Einar Þorsteinsson, the mayor of Reykjavík, to call for a review of the city’s police regulations. The City Council referred Einar’s proposal to the Parliamentary Committee earlier this week.

Einar’s suggestion underscores the rise in knife incidents observed over recent months, making him believe a revision of the current police regulations, which date back to 2008 and were slightly amended in 2021, is necessary. He stated, “What mainly calls for this revision is the increased knife crime we have seen. The weapons laws clearly outline what is permissible and what is not; it seems natural that the police regulations, which currently only address firearms, reflect our stance on knife-related issues, especially given the recent trends.”

Additionally, Einar mentioned other topics in his proposal, including snow removal responsibilities, obligations for those conducting public works, and various environmental matters. Numerous laws and regulations have changed since 2008, necessitating updates to the police guidelines.

Einar noted, “It is good to initiate this work. We will do it through the Parliamentary Committee, which includes representatives from all political parties in the City Council. Of course, this work will be conducted in close cooperation with the chief of police in the capital region.”

While the City Council has forwarded Einar’s proposal for review, he finds it difficult to predict when a draft of the new regulations will be available.

(via ruv.is)