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Thousands volunteer across Denmark to raise funds for multiple sclerosis

Sunday 8th 2024 on 20:08 in  

Thousands of volunteers have taken to the streets across Denmark to raise funds for multiple sclerosis, a condition that 24-year-old Simone Pehrson lives with every day. The nationwide collection for individuals with sclerosis raised at least 6.5 million Danish kroner, breaking previous records by 400,000 kroner compared to last year, according to the Sclerosis Association.

Simone was originally scheduled to collect donations herself but felt too weak from her condition to participate. “I find it frustrating. I would have loved to walk up and down the street I had chosen. You have many great conversations and draw attention to this disease,” she remarked.

Last year, Simone was invited to Crown Prince Christian’s 18th birthday celebration due to her community involvement focused on raising awareness about sclerosis. Diagnosed during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 while working as a vaccination assistant, she initially thought her symptoms were just an intolerance to hand sanitizer.

After numerous doctor visits led to various misdiagnoses, Simone finally learned the truth from her MRI results—she has multiple sclerosis (MS). “I called my mom, crying. It said I had seven spots in my brain. I initially thought I had cancer,” she shared.

Denmark holds the highest rate of multiple sclerosis diagnoses in the world, affecting nearly 19,000 individuals. The Sclerosis Association indicates that women are significantly more likely to be diagnosed, with 70% of MS patients being female. The funds raised are primarily aimed at advancing research and developing medications for MS patients.

Since her diagnosis, Simone has adapted her life plans and now studies pedagogy, while also actively engaging in advocacy through the Sclerosis Association and her podcast with fellow patients.

(via dr.dk)