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Funding boosts reduce wait times for child mental health services at Landspitali in Iceland

Sunday 8th 2024 on 19:38 in  

Increased funding and restructured organization have significantly reduced wait times for children seeking services from the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department at Landspitali. The waiting time has shortened from over a year to just three months, bringing it within the standards set by the national health authorities.

The Child and Adolescent Department’s achievements are attributed primarily to additional funding from the Ministry of Health and improvements made in service flow and efficiency within the organization. The waiting list has dropped from 116 children in February of the previous year to 67 in August.

Currently, the department sees about 40 to 50 children awaiting service. These children have already entered the healthcare system, having received preliminary services, meaning they are not waiting in a void. Cases are prioritized, ensuring that urgent situations are addressed first.

The funding received is temporary, designated for three years, and officials are optimistic that demonstrating the success of the current strategies will lead to sustained financial support. The department has made significant strides in addressing the increasing mental health issues among children, particularly following the challenges posed by the pandemic.By continuing their efforts, they aim to maintain the reduced waiting times and provide essential mental health services efficiently.

(via ruv.is)