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Weather warnings issued for Northern and Eastern Iceland as snowfall and winds expected

Sunday 8th 2024 on 19:13 in  

Yellow and orange weather warnings will be in effect tomorrow and Tuesday in Northern and Eastern Iceland due to northerly winds and snowfall. Authorities expect traffic disruptions, prompting farmers in Fljótsdal to expedite the movement of livestock from the mountains.

The police in Northern Iceland have advised residents to be mindful of their surroundings as severe winds and snow are anticipated. Yellow warnings will take effect at midnight, and by 6 PM tomorrow, these will escalate to orange warnings for Northern Iceland and also for parts of Eastern Iceland on Tuesday afternoon.

Farmers in Fljótsdal began moving their livestock earlier than planned, with the intention of doing so tomorrow. However, they decided to set out today to avoid unnecessary complications. Another group, originally scheduled to depart on Tuesday, has also moved their plans up to tomorrow.

A farmer mentioned that making the journey today was a precaution, especially given predictions of significant precipitation, making it challenging to drive in snowy conditions. Plans are still in place for livestock sorting next weekend.

The police warning emphasizes that farmers in the region should take necessary precautions regarding their livestock. According to the meteorological agency, considerable snowfall is expected on mountain roads, particularly around Tröllaskagi, where conditions could deteriorate and lead to transportation disruptions. Travelers are advised against unnecessary trips and to ensure they are equipped with appropriate tire gear for mountain crossings, as conditions are expected to be cold with significant precipitation.

(via ruv.is)