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Statue of Norse explorer Þorfinnur karlsefni remains in storage in Philadelphia after vandalism

Sunday 8th 2024 on 17:28 in  

A statue of the Norse explorer Þorfinnur karlsefni, located in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, remains in storage nearly six years after sustaining damage. The statue, crafted by Icelandic sculptor Einar Jónsson, was vandalized and removed from its pedestal amid tensions between nationalists and anti-racism activists.

Reports of the damage emerged in 2017, coinciding with gatherings by far-right groups, including the “Keystone State Skinheads,” who congregated at the statue during Leif Erikson Day celebrations. Opponents of racism responded by spray-painting slogans on the statue, leading to its defacement in October 2018, when it was beheaded and discarded into the Schuylkill River.

Iceland’s Minister of Culture and Business Affairs, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, stated that the Icelandic government will not intervene in the statue’s potential restoration, as this matter falls under Philadelphia’s jurisdiction. The ministry intends to monitor the situation but has no plans to facilitate the statue’s return to prominence.

The ongoing absence of the statue highlights a broader discourse on national identity and the role of historic figures in contemporary society, particularly in the United States. As discussions continue regarding its fate, the local and international communities remain attentive to the implications surrounding public monuments and their representations.

(via ruv.is)