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Humpback whale spotted in Øresund Strait near Copenhagen

Sunday 8th 2024 on 14:18 in  

A humpback whale is likely swimming in the Øresund Strait currently, according to marine biologist and head of the Øresund Aquarium, Jens Peder Jeppesen.

During a tuna safari, observers spotted several whales breaching the water. Suddenly, a large fin appeared about 25 meters from their boat. Jeppesen recalled the moment, stating, “We just exclaimed, ‘It’s a whale!’” He described the experience as “absolutely fantastic.”

The marine biologist is confident that the sightings are indeed of a humpback whale, citing clear video evidence. Initially, he suspected it might be a sperm whale due to its flat nose but later confirmed it as a humpback.

While this is not the first time a humpback whale has been seen in Øresund, with a similar occurrence last summer, Jeppesen emphasized that such sightings are quite rare. He noted it has happened only two or three times in his memory.

When asked about potential dangers posed by the whale, Jeppesen reassured that there is no cause for concern. “We should just be happy. It’s a fantastic experience,” he stated.

(via dr.dk)