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Kári Johansen to run with Framstegspartiet in Tórshavn municipal elections

Sunday 8th 2024 on 11:03 in  
Faroe Islands

In the recent municipal election four years ago, Kári Johansen was fourth on the Social Democratic Party’s list. Since then, he has served as chairman of SEV, the local power company, and as head of the port committee in the Tórshavn City Council.

After careful consideration, Kári Johansen has announced his decision to run with the Framstegspartiet (Progress Party) in the upcoming municipal elections. He expressed in his statement that he feels the Social Democrats have become too restrictive for him.

In contrast, he believes his political interests align well with those of the Progress Party. Kári feels welcomed by the party, where he intends to collaborate with other dedicated members to finalize their election platform.

Further details will be available during a broadcast at 2 PM, featuring Kári Johansen in the studio.

(via kvf.fo)