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Man arrested for disturbances outside police station in Reykjavík

Sunday 8th 2024 on 10:13 in  

A man was arrested outside the police station on Hverfisgötu in Reykjavík after refusing to leave the premises. According to police, he had been causing disturbances and repeatedly declined to depart.

The individual was taken into custody and placed in a cell, similar to another suspect who assaulted and robbed a foreign tourist outside a hotel in downtown Reykjavík. The robber was apprehended shortly after the incident, admitted to the crime, and identified the stolen items.

Following questioning, the man in the initial disturbance was released, but he was later arrested in the city for brandishing a knife. Another individual remains in custody after committing a physical assault. Additionally, a man who was unable to provide an address due to intoxication was given accommodation in a holding cell in Hafnarfjörður.

(via ruv.is)