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Concerns grow over maternity care accessibility in Uusimaa following Lohja Hospital closure

Sunday 8th 2024 on 08:00 in  

Henna Ström, 40, gave birth to her youngest child four weeks ago at the maternity ward in Espoo Hospital, which is currently located in temporary facilities and is quite cramped. “There was only a 15-centimeter gap between my bed and another mother’s bed, separated by a curtain. There was hardly any privacy. It was clear that the ward was busy, but the staff managed to create a calm atmosphere,” Ström recalls.

Venla Ranta, a midwife who spent the summer at Hyvinkää Hospital, explains that Ström had hoped to give birth at the Lohja Hospital maternity ward, which has been closed for the summer. This temporary closure raises concerns about the final, permanent closure slated for December.

Ström remarked on the strange reality of having to consider logistics before going into labor, worrying about local taxi drivers who might assist in emergencies. She expressed concern about the region’s future, noting that only about thirty infants are expected to be born in Hanko this year, a significant drop. “Who wants to have children here when giving birth is made so difficult, and services are moved far away?” she questioned.

Access to obstetric care in Uusimaa has become increasingly challenging, with newly introduced phone services requiring expectant mothers to call ahead before heading to the hospital. This system aims to manage the flow of births across various hospitals, but it has caused uncertainty among expectant mothers.

Data shows a decrease in births this summer compared to last year in Uusimaa. HUS, the region’s healthcare provider, reported a 1.9% drop in June and 7% in July. The final details surrounding the closure of Lohja’s maternity ward remain unclear, particularly regarding the women’s health services that will still be available.

(via yle.fi)