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Cyclists embark on Denmark’s longest cycling event from Aarhus to Copenhagen

Saturday 7th 2024 on 22:13 in  

As train and bus traffic crawled across Denmark today, others opted for a journey on two wheels. At 6:30 AM, the first riders embarked on Denmark’s longest cycling event, which runs from Aarhus to Copenhagen. This challenging route spans 376 kilometers, with an elevation gain of 2,400 meters, crossing both the Little Belt and Great Belt bridges.

Allan Helgren, met at the first rest stop in Horsens after approximately 60 kilometers, humorously recounted his experience: “The first time I rode it, I promised myself never again. But here I am, funnily enough, for the second time.” At the stop, participants refuel with Nutella and honey sandwiches, glucose tablets, and coffee, as the day is just getting started.

The Aarhus-Copenhagen cycling race occurs every three years and involves two years of meticulous planning. Organizers must coordinate with 24 municipalities, eight police districts, the Road Directorate, and 750 volunteers. Race director Jens Veggerby described the logistics as “close to a nightmare,” further complicated today when several participants were delayed by train issues.

Despite the hurdles, he added, “It’s a blast, and it’s wonderful to see so many happy people cycling across Denmark. We might not have mountains, but we have a beautiful country and some spectacular bridges.” The main highlights of the day include the historic Little Belt and Great Belt bridges, which are blocked for riders.

Some cyclists began their journey in Odense, continuing toward either Copenhagen or Korsør. On the Great Belt bridge, Claus Robl, who is cycling the entire route from Aarhus, expressed enjoyment despite some headwind, stating, “It’s been perfect cycling weather.” After 240 kilometers and two bridges, he noted the thrill of experiencing Denmark firsthand: “Here, you’re just in the elements.”

The first riders are expected to finish by 8:55 PM, with the last crossing the finish line around 2:30 AM tomorrow.

(via dr.dk)