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Parents seek action from authorities over school disruption in Mosfellsbær, Iceland

Saturday 7th 2024 on 18:03 in  

Parents of first-grade students at Helgafell School in Mosfellsbær have sought assistance from local authorities following an incident where a mother refused to leave a classroom this past Thursday. This situation led to teachers feeling unable to continue instruction, prompting parents to pick up their children early from school.

Over 60 parents sent a signed letter to municipality officials demanding immediate action to ensure the proper functioning of the school. The letter described ongoing concerns regarding the behavior of one parent, which has reportedly disrupted the school environment for nearly two years, first at the preschool level and now in elementary.

In a conversation with reporters, one parent indicated that the police were contacted on Friday to ensure classes could proceed normally. After police intervention, the mother exited the classroom, allowing lessons to continue without further disruption.

Parents expressed feelings that the school environment is being held hostage by the parent, who has voiced allegations against school authorities on social media, including claims of violence and falsehoods.

The letter from parents highlighted that the situation has escalated to the point where homeroom teachers are refusing to attend work, jeopardizing the children’s essential early days of schooling. Not only are students missing vital lessons, but the ongoing turmoil is also affecting parents’ ability to work.

The municipality acknowledged the seriousness of such matters and indicated that they are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children in the educational system.

(via ruv.is)