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Mayor Einar Þorsteinsson to reevaluate Culture Night in Reykjavík following tragic incident

Saturday 7th 2024 on 15:03 in  

The Mayor of Reykjavík, Einar Þorsteinsson, has announced that the city will reevaluate the execution of the annual Culture Night in the wake of a tragic incident two weeks ago, where a young girl was fatally stabbed. Today, a memorial service is being held at Lindakirkja in Kópavogur for the victim, Bryndís Klara Birgisdóttir.

In light of the incident, Einar emphasized the necessity for city officials to scrutinize the event’s organization more closely. He noted that although security measures were significantly heightened this year, staff reported observing more unsupervised children and an increase in underage drinking, which is raising concerns that such behavior may be becoming normalized among youth. Einar questioned, during interviews, the insecurity among young people that drives them to feel the need to carry knives for protection and the fragility that leads some to harm others.

He stated that city authorities aim to map out precautionary measures to prevent unsupervised minors, including more explicit communication with parents and ensuring families are present throughout the event’s duration. While it is vital to maintain security, Einar cautioned against conveying the message that gatherings should be perceived as unsafe or that rigorous security checks should become the norm.

He believes that the solution lies in a cohesive effort to support children who are struggling, stressing the importance of preserving the supportive and beautiful community that they have built together.

(via ruv.is)