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AI-generated imagery raises cultural concerns for Sámi representation in Finland

Saturday 7th 2024 on 14:15 in  

Images and videos created by artificial intelligence (AI) have become ubiquitous on social media, including those depicting the Sámi people. However, the results often lack authenticity, particularly in clothing representation. Antte Heatta, a resident of Oulu, experimented with the DALL-E AI generator to create images of Sámi individuals, intending to assess how well the AI understands Sámi culture. Heatta noted that while the AI-generated imagery does not accurately represent contemporary Sámi people, he was surprised by its ability to associate certain features with them.

In an attempt to gauge the AI’s capacity to mimic Sámi art, the journalist instructed the software to create a drawing featuring Sámi individuals in traditional attire, resembling the style of artist Sunna Kitti. Kitti expressed skepticism, stating she would be astonished if AI could indeed replicate her artistic style.

Professor Hannu Toivonen from the University of Helsinki highlighted the risks associated with AI-generated imagery, including the potential for reinforcing stereotypes. He explained that since image-generating programs rely on machine learning and imitation, they may inadvertently amplify existing biases. Despite these concerns, Toivonen acknowledged that creating art using AI could be a liberating experience for users.

Kitti criticized the current AI culture, arguing that it is fundamentally theft that undermines artists’ livelihoods. Many artists have dedicated years to honing their craft, only to see their work replaced by simple AI prompts asking for visual representations. As AI-generated images become increasingly sophisticated, differentiating them from authentic photography is becoming more challenging, raising concerns about authenticity and artistic integrity.

(via yle.fi)