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Historic temperature record set in Helsingborg, Sweden as September heatwave continues

Saturday 7th 2024 on 12:23 in  

Earlier this week, a historic temperature record was set in Sweden. On Wednesday, temperatures in Helsingborg soared to 31.1 degrees Celsius, marking the highest September temperature since 1975. Emma Härenstam noted that while it is not uncommon for temperatures to reach around 25 degrees at the beginning of September, a prolonged period exceeding 25 degrees is rare.

Around 25 weather stations across the country also reported local record highs for September. Over the weekend, temperatures could rise to nearly 30 degrees in certain areas, particularly in Mälardalen and along the west coast on Sunday.

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) has issued warnings for high temperatures across much of Götaland and parts of Svealand, predicting daytime highs of over 26 degrees, with some locations potentially experiencing even higher temperatures.

However, forecasts for early next week indicate a return to more typical September weather, with temperatures around 15 degrees. Härenstam mentioned that the weather will become more unstable, featuring rain, wind, and significantly cooler temperatures.

When asked if this could be the last warm weekend of the summer, she suggested that while temperatures around 30 degrees are unlikely to return soon, a phenomenon known as “brittsommar” may bring another mild spell. Nevertheless, conditions suitable for swimming at 25 to 30 degrees are likely a thing of the past for the season.

(via svt.se)