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Aarhus Port faces legal challenge from APM Terminals over container operations in Denmark

Saturday 7th 2024 on 07:03 in  

This summer, Aarhus abandoned plans for a significant expansion of its industrial port. However, the issue has evolved into a debate over the right to manage container traffic in and out of the harbor. Aarhus Port handles over 70% of Denmark’s container traffic, with APM Terminals, owned by shipping giant Maersk, being the sole container operator thus far. Now, however, APM Terminals faces competition as the port engages with other companies.

Jacob Bundsgaard, the port’s chairman and mayor, stated that the focus is on better utilizing existing port facilities. “A lengthy process aimed at port expansion has now been paused, forcing us to explore other avenues to develop Aarhus Port, and this is part of that,” he explained. Although Bundsgaard did not confirm discussions with APM Terminals’ competitors, he noted a significant interest in the port area from various stakeholders.

This situation has prompted APM Terminals to take legal action against the port, claiming it was not adequately involved in the discussions and expressing doubts about the potential for two container operators in Aarhus. Additionally, the company has threatened to abandon a planned investment of 2 billion Danish kroner aimed at improving container handling efficiencies at the port.

Solveig Munk, a member of the city council from the Unity List, plans to raise the issue at an upcoming council meeting. She emphasizes the need for dialogue with Maersk, although she is concerned that the conflict may have escalated too far for productive negotiations to occur.

Despite declining an interview, APM Terminals’ CEO, Mikael Gutman, expressed support for dialogue and indicated a desire for a transparent decision-making process regarding the future of container operations at Aarhus Port. The case is set to be heard in court on October 31.

(via dr.dk)