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Young men increasingly identify with ‘Chad’ meme in online dating culture

Saturday 7th 2024 on 06:35 in  

Chad is portrayed as a confident, athletic man who enjoys the favor of women, representing the modern archetype of a successful male. However, Chad is not a real person but rather a meme that has gained traction online, describing an idealized version of masculinity. Despite its humorous undertone, many young men increasingly believe in the notion that only ‘Chad men’ attract women.

Ismo Pitkänen, a project coordinator at Miessakit ry, an organization supporting men’s well-being, notes that while some young men view the Chad figure comically, others take it seriously. He asserts that it’s a misconception that only such men can succeed in the dating market, emphasizing that diverse types of men can find success in relationships.

The trend known as “looksmaxxing,” which gained popularity last year, encourages young men to enhance their appearance to compete in dating. Influencers on TikTok sharing looksmaxxing advice have garnered millions of followers, many of whom are teenagers. Pitkänen advises that a man does not need to be a Chad to find a partner.

The terms Chad and looksmaxxing emerged from incel communities, which refer to men unable to secure romantic or sexual relationships with women. Incel ideology often promotes harmful stereotypes about women, including the belief in the “80/20 rule,” suggesting that women pursue only 20% of men deemed most attractive.

Researcher Emilia Lounela highlights how incels view women as commodified, with relationships seen as unequal. She points out that this mindset can foster an unhealthy obsession with comparison among men and lead some incels to harbor resentful attitudes toward women.

In Finland, a new initiative aims to support young men who identify as incels by providing peer support and addressing themes related to loneliness and relationship issues.

(via yle.fi)