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Warm weather forecasted for Iceland with gusty winds and rain expected

Saturday 7th 2024 on 01:08 in  

Weather forecasts for Iceland indicate a warm day across the country, with gusty winds expected from the northwest. Tonight, temperatures in the southwest will range from 13 to 23 degrees Celsius, accompanied by rain or drizzle, while most of the eastern regions will remain dry.

The winds will intensify in the northwest, with some areas experiencing gusts exceeding 30 meters per second through the night. Tomorrow, expect southwest winds of 5 to 15 meters per second, again strongest in the northwestern parts of the country.

Cloud cover is anticipated for tomorrow morning, with light showers possible, though conditions will clear up, leading to drier weather later in the day. The northeast will experience partly cloudy skies, while temperatures will vary between 10 to 18 degrees Celsius, with the warmest conditions in the northeast and eastern regions.

Looking ahead to the coming days, a shift to northerly winds is forecasted starting Sunday, bringing precipitation to the northern and eastern parts of the country along with a drop in temperatures, particularly in the northern areas. However, conditions are expected to improve mid-week, with calmer weather and clearer skies anticipated.

(via ruv.is)