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Damage suspected to freshwater mussels in forestry site operated by Stora Enso in Kainuu’s Puolanka region

Friday 6th 2024 on 19:00 in  

The suspected damage to freshwater mussels, or “raakku,” in a forestry site operated by Stora Enso in Kainuu’s Puolanka region differs from previous incidents reported in Hukkajoki, according to the regional environmental authority. The precise location of the stream where the damage allegedly occurred has not been disclosed to the public.

This new incident involves a smaller area and cannot be compared to the scale of the situation in Hukkajoki, stated Sari Myllyoja, head of the environment and natural resources division at the Kainuu Ely Centre. Based on preliminary observations, it is believed that environmental protection laws have been violated, with evidence suggesting that vehicles have crossed the stream. Myllyoja also indicated that the area is expected to contain freshwater mussels, a protected species.

The Ely Centre conducted its inspection on Thursday following Stora Enso’s internal investigations and subsequent reports of suspected violations. A request for police investigation will be filed regarding the case. The outcomes of the inspection have been referred to in the media as “mussel damage,” a term that Myllyoja personally would refrain from using.

During the inspection, the Ely Centre also found older traces indicating that other entities, apart from Stora Enso, may have utilized the site. Yle reached out to major forestry companies, including Metsä Group and UPM, for their comments. Metsä Group’s communications director, Katariina Saelan, stated that their data from 2021 to 2024 does not indicate any crossings of raakku rivers in Puolanka or elsewhere. UPM reported that they have not operated in areas near raakku rivers in the region for several years.

(via yle.fi)