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Farmers boost cucumber production in Iceland to address shortage caused by viral trends

Friday 6th 2024 on 18:28 in  

Due to a recent shortage of cucumbers, farmers across the country have ramped up their production efforts. The supply of cucumbers had been constrained in August, influenced by various factors, including developments on social media. Increased production is now expected to resolve the cucumber shortage.

The cucumber deficit gained significant attention both domestically and internationally, becoming apparent around mid-August, coinciding with the viral spread of cucumber salad recipes on TikTok. Kristín Linda Sveinsdóttir, a marketing manager at the Icelandic Horticultural Producers Association, noted that other issues contributed to the shortage as well.

“Primarily, there was a lack of sunlight,” she explained. Additionally, farmers routinely replace their plants four times a year, leading to temporary imbalances in supply during growth periods. The onset of the school year and the return of people from summer vacations also increased demand at a time when cucumber production was low.

Kristín emphasized that it is unusual for stores to run out of cucumbers day after day. Farmers have been actively harvesting the crop to meet demand, with production reportedly increasing by 40-50% since the peak of the shortage a few weeks ago. She does not fear leftover stock as the impact of social media declines, stating the community’s return to regular routines and the lasting popularity of cucumbers ensure steady sales.

The cucumber shortage unexpectedly captured global media attention, as Kristín noted the unusual experience of discussing the issue with major news outlets like The New York Times and BBC over consecutive days, highlighting the phenomenon’s reach and relevance.

(via ruv.is)