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Helsinki reviews substitute teacher hiring policies after MTV Uutiset investigation

Friday 6th 2024 on 18:25 in  

The City of Helsinki plans to review its controversial policies regarding substitute teachers. It has come to light that MTV Uutiset employed unusual journalistic methods by applying for substitute teaching positions in all Helsinki primary schools using a fabricated identity. The fictional substitute was able to get onto the substitute teacher lists of 35 schools, over half of which communicated via WhatsApp, offering available substitute positions.

A substitute teacher list is a compilation of individuals eligible to fill in for teachers, particularly in cases of illness. Outi Salo, Director of Basic Education in Helsinki, stated that the city will re-evaluate the hiring practices for substitutes in schools. She emphasized the need to review guidelines and ensure uniformity across schools.

Currently, the city’s directive mandates that short-term substitutes meet with school administrators to verify their identities. Additionally, schools are required to request a criminal record extract prior to establishing an employment relationship. However, the MTV report indicated that only three schools asked for this document before the first substitute job.

Legislation requires employers to verify criminal records for individuals working with children, such as teachers employed for over three months within a single calendar year. Salo clarified that in Helsinki, this record is solicited even for shorter engagements. She assured that substitutes’ identities are verified upon their arrival at the school and they undergo an orientation process, with the expectation that schools will inform new substitutes of the requirement to obtain the record if they wish to work in the schools.

(via yle.fi)