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Helga Þórisdóttir spends 18 million krónur in presidential election campaign in Iceland

Friday 6th 2024 on 17:48 in  

In the recent presidential elections, Helga Þórisdóttir’s campaign cost her nearly 18 million Icelandic krónur, translating to 65,500 krónur per vote. Helga received a total of 275 votes in the elections held in June. The majority of her funding came from her own resources, amounting to approximately 17 million krónur, while 780,000 krónur were sourced from individual contributions.

In comparison, fellow candidate Ástþór had a significantly lower cost per vote, spending just over 19,000 krónur. Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir had the lowest cost per vote at 1,055 krónur, while Jón Gnarr spent 485 krónur and Halla Tómasdóttir spent 355 krónur per vote.

The financial summaries for other candidates, including Arnars Þórs Jónsson, Ásdísar Rán Gunnarsdóttir, Baldurs Þórhallsson, and Halla Hrundar Logadóttir, are currently under review by the National Audit Office.

(via ruv.is)