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Delays continue for expert committee aimed at improving financial management in Danish Defense Ministry

Friday 6th 2024 on 17:13 in  

An expert economic committee, seen as vital for addressing the Danish Defense Ministry’s financial management issues, has faced further delays. Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen attributed these setbacks to “busyness” in other critical defense areas. He emphasized that the establishment of the committee requires meticulous preparation and the careful selection of appropriate members.

This is not the first delay for the committee, which has been referenced for nearly two years as crucial for improving the ministry’s financial oversight. The expert group was initially proposed in September 2022 following a financial audit revealing significant budgetary shortcomings amounting to billions of kroner.

The committee was supposed to be established in the fall of 2023 according to the defense agreement but has now been postponed to September 2023. Its responsibilities will include ensuring the alignment and transparency of planning and budgeting, reviewing the organizational structure, and maximizing value for money.

However, by May 2022, when the minister delivered a final audit report showing a deficit in military funding of nearly 40 billion kroner, the committee had still not been formed. Recent criticism from the State Audit Office has highlighted issues regarding financial management and procurement effectiveness within the ministry.

Despite reassurances from Lund Poulsen that the expert group would be established soon, skepticism remains among some political parties. Opposition members, including Liberal Alliance’s Carsten Bach, expressed frustration over the ongoing delays, particularly given the significant defense investments anticipated in the upcoming autumn. Another opposition member, Anne Valentina Bertelsen from the Socialist Party, criticized the failure to adhere to clear agreements made with parliamentary parties.

(via dr.dk)