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Psychiatry Foundation offers support to students facing challenges in higher education across Denmark

Friday 6th 2024 on 16:38 in  

The excitement of beginning a dream course may not be the predominant feeling for everyone starting a new study program. The Psychiatry Foundation, which offers guidance to new students, has noted an increase in inquiries related to the challenges faced at the start of their studies.

Liza Johnson, head of the advisory service at the foundation, highlights that many students express feelings of being overwhelmed by social events, new people, and unfamiliar environments. To help ease this transition, she has compiled four practical tips for a successful start:

1. Share your feelings, as you see fit.
2. Be patient with yourself.
3. Create a realistic plan.
4. Challenge any catastrophic thoughts.

Johnson emphasizes the importance of reaching out to a wide audience, considering those who may be more introverted or have different needs.

This year, 61,351 applicants have been accepted into higher education programs, with various institutions offering introductory sessions to prepare students for the start of the semester. At the University of Southern Denmark, academic advisor Tine Wåst Nielsen has been actively engaging with students, running study group workshops and providing support for those facing challenges during this transition.

Wåst Nielsen advises patience, reminding students that they do not need to excel from day one. The experience can be overwhelming, with some students eagerly participating in activities while others may feel anxious about them.

Oscar Wood, a new student in business economics, described his start as both enjoyable and challenging. He acknowledged the natural nerves that come with new beginnings and the fatigue from continuous social interactions. Both Wåst Nielsen and the Psychiatry Foundation reinforce the message to students: be patient; you don’t have to be perfect from the outset.

(via dr.dk)